Tark's website


The Glossary is the area I will explain words that may be difficult for outsiders.


A conlang, short for constructed language, is a language that one creates. There are many types of conlangs out there. Some are made for international communication, such as Esperanto or Ido. Those are called international auxiliary languages, or IAL for short. Some are made to be spoken in a fictional universe in a book for example, such as J. R. R. Tolkien's Quenya, or David J. Peterson's Dothraki or High Valyrian; even though these don't necessarily have a specific name in the conlanging community, are often considered to be personal languages. While some others are made exclusively for fun of one person, such as Koritira. Those are called personal languages, or sometimes persolangs for short.


A conlanger is a person who creates conlangs.


Based on the same pattern as conlang, a conworld is a world that has been created by someone.


Worldbuilding is the process of creating a fictional world - or iterating on an existing one, such as our universe - for fun, or for example to include in a novel.


A worldbuilder is a person who does worldbuilding.