Tark's website


Over the years, I have made many conlangs, around 40 if I remember correctly.
Not every one of them will get its own page, since it'd be way too long to write 40 pages on conlangs I don't necessarily have a lot of documentation for.
I will try to keep a chronological order for each conlang I've made so far.


Napani is the first language I've made that I called "conlang".
I've made it when I was around 11 to 13, so I didn't have much linguistic knowledge.
It is essentially a mix of French and Esperanto, a conlang I was very inspired by at the time.
It never was very stable though and pretty basic things such as conjugations changed a lot.

Jachikh / 7a9i3-teheq

Jachikh is the first language I made a phonology for.
It was pretty much only inspired by Arabic, using features like triconsonantal roots for example.
It is not the conlang I'm the proudest of though honestly, and also it contained a lot of "loanwords" from European languages.